Monday, January 5, 2009

A new addition to the household....

Okay so since the beginning of the New Year we have been very busy preparing for our new arrival. We have organized and cleaned and it all payed off. Jordan Cahoon arrived Sat. night with her dad, Ren. Jordie is our new addition to the Moser Clan. She is going to school down town and will be staying with us until she gets into housing. Jordie is my sister in every way but blood!! Her family has done more for me than anyone especially in my greatest time of need! I am so very happy that she will be in my home and in my life in on a daily basis. I am excited that my kids get to know her as well.

**Sorry no news to share on any other additions! Sorry if I disappointed anyone. :)


Summer said...

i'm jealous - i wanna come join the'll be like old, old, old times :-)

ollila230 said...

Sheesh, I do have to say I was disappointed. I was way excited when I began to read your post. I thought for sure a baby was on the way. We have to keep the tradition going with our kiddos being close in age. And yes, we are expecting in June!